Infographic: The World’s Ten Largest Power Plants

The 10 largest power plants in the world – in terms of total installed capacity – are all massive hydro or nuclear installations, with...

WFP supports the tajik government in preparing for earthquakes and other disasters

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) held a ceremony in Dushanbe this week to mark the handover of IT equipment to the Tajik...

Zarafshan River destroyed about 100 miter of the road

In connection with the high air temperature the level of Zarafshan water went up and more than 100 meter of Ayni-Gornaya Mastcha highway was...

In Tajikistan the military service intends to reduce to 1.5 years

The service life in the ranks of the Tajik Armed Forces can be reduced to one and a half years. According to news agency “Avesta”,...

Provocation at the border (Video)

Yesterday, on 22nd July at about 17:00 according to the local time, in Kirghiz- Tajik border, happened the next conflict between Tajiks and Kirghizia’s...
Climate problems and boundary conflicts

Climate problems and boundary conflicts

A number of security experts from the Stockholm Institute for Global Problems Studies, which investigated the effects of heat increase in the Central Asian...

SNSC: In advance of meeting of the two neighbor countries’ heads some interested Kirghiz...

According to the press service of SNSC republic of Tajikistan’s frontier troops, on 22 July 2019 year the citizens of Vorukh jamaat, Isfara region...

Press Center of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security of...

On January 27, at about 18:40, an armed conflict broke out between the Tajik and Kyrgyz border guards on the Zarafshoni crossroads and in...


Tajikistan occupied the first level of security for tourism The US Department of State launched improvements to how share information with U.S. travelers. These improvements...

Sugd: The number of cheating facts is increasing

During the prosecutor’s verification, 970 crimes related to cheating were revealed just in 2018. The amount of the damage totaled more than 100 million...