Panjakent: The body of the second person, who suffered during the flood, was found...

During the steam, happened in Panjakent, Sugd region on 4 June 2019 year died two brothers. After tree days the second body was found...

We are looking for civil journalists!

In order to become civil journalist there is no need to work at wording or to have journalistic education and experience. We are looking...

The civil journalists’ network is making money in Tajikistan.

The information agency “SUGDNEWS” was chosen one of the civil journalist network’s participants. The civil journalists’ project in Tajikistan launches the “INTERNEWS” together with...

Khujand: The Khujand State University student was arrested on a charge of drug sailing

The anti- drug division staffs up to drug-trafficking in Sugd region arrested three young citizens, and one of them was the student of KSU...

Tajik- Kirghiz border: Illegal intersection brought to the next conflict

In 22nd May 2019 morning, the citizens of Ravoti Kabud settlement, Qarabog village, Betken region, Kirghiz Republic, under the armed lee of KR frontiers...

News flash: Kyrgyz’s frontier troops and the top brass did not let the International...

Members of the International Committee of  Red Cross were not allowed enter to Vorukh. Thе Red Cross aim was to help sufferers of 13-14...

DAIRY COW (journalistic Investigations, video)

Or what leads to the ruin of entrepreneurs in Tajikistan? A well-known entrepreneur who manages ten small and large enterprises, clasping his head with both...

University of Central Asia Architect Wins Pritzker Prize

Arata Isozaki, the renouned Japanese architect, and designer of the master plan of the University of Central Asia (UCA), has won the coveted Pritzker...

Tajikistan takes the lead in the Almaty Process

Dushanbe is hosting the First Technical Expert’s Group Meeting of the Almaty Process, a regional interstate initiative on migration, on 12-13 February 2019. Government...

The Tajik Junior Football Team Will Leaves for Turkey Today

– The junior football team of Tajikistan (U-17) will leave tonight to Antalya in order to hold a training camp. The training camp will begin today...