In 22nd May 2019 morning, the citizens of Ravoti Kabud settlement, Qarabog village, Betken region, Kirghiz Republic, under the armed lee of KR frontiers entered to Lakkon jamaat, Isfara town.

As the Isfara town chairman’s press secretary, Iqbol Toshaev, announces, because of illegal crossing the border territory, Tajik frontiers opened one warning fire. After this more of KR citizens leaved the territory of Tajikistan.

According to his speech the main purpose of KR citizens was introduction to the region steppes which are situated in Tajik territory.

“Actually, this is non-disputed land. This territory belongs to Tajikistan. Such incident is not happening at the firs time. Ten days before the group including six armed KR frontiers, illegally intersected Tajik border. If before such provocative activities happened at disputed lands of Tajik and Kirghiz border, regions like, Aksai, Vorukh, Ortoboz, Koktosh, Khojai A’lo, and Somoniyon, lately such activities are happening in Lakon and Chilgaz jamaat, Isfara town, Sugd region. For instance, citizen of Jontala, Batkent region are still continuing to build houses on disputed territories. Although, in these territories was not delimitation and demarcation of Tajik-Kirghiz state boundaries at the present time. Thereby, Batkent citizens under the state law enforcement agencies lee, block the progress of intergovernmental commission on borders’ delimitation and demarcation”, – Toshaev Iqbol said.

At the moment in order to stabilize the situation, the manager of Isfara town, Sugd region and the responsible people, are taking necessary measures

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