From 21st to 22nd of June there will be taken a place an International trade fair “Sugd – 2019”.

This information was announced by TJ inform with the reference to Economic Development Department and the Tajik republic trade. The information source records that in this trade fair will take a part the representatives of Moscow, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, and Novosibirsk regions. Moreover, there will be the delegates from Krasnoyarsk and Altai Territory, Moscow’s towns, St. Petersburg, Ivanovo, Republic of Tatarstan, and Bashkortostan.

The Uzbek, Kirghizia, Belarus, China, Korea, Pakistan, India, Poland, and Serbia’s representatives of business circles are planning to participate in the fair.

In this trade fair will be represented goods and as well are planning to organize round-table conference, where the representatives of these countries and organization will have a discussion on perspective partnership aspects.

The aim of the fair is to consolidate partnership in business sphere with different countries.

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