Dried fruits processing companies in Isfara and Bokhtar, as well as relevant regulatory bodies and universities in Sughd and Khatlon provinces of Tajikistan, learned about modern labelling and packaging and requirements at workshops organized by the International Trade Centre (ITC) within its Trade Promotion East (TPE) programme funded by the Government of Switzerland.

Two workshops were designed to equip businesses in the dried fruits industry with essential knowledge and best practices for developing attractive and compliant product labelling and packaging.

With the consumer demand for healthy food products on the rise, it is essential for companies to produce and exhibit their products in appealing and informative packaging. Understanding this need, ITC has curated a comprehensive workshop series to guide industry professionals in Tajikistan through the details of labelling and packaging dried fruits and existing international requirements in this area.

The workshops featured presentations from ITC experienced professional Cornelis Sonneveld, who shared insights on industry trends, regulatory requirements, design strategies, and sustainable packaging solutions. Participants gained extensive knowledge on consumer preferences, branding opportunities, nutritional claims, and accurate ingredient labelling.

“Our aim is to empower businesses to create labelling and packaging that not only entices customers but also meet the market requirements, conveys necessary information effectively, ensuring consumer trust and compliance with industry standards,” said Cornelis Sonneveld, ITC consultant on labelling and packaging.

The workshop series encouraged dried fruits manufacturers, distributors, and marketers to share their experiences, challenges, and creative solutions, fostering an atmosphere of learning and networking.

Additionally, attendees received comprehensive workshop materials and samples to assist them in implementing the newfound knowledge in their businesses.

The Tajik companies also had the opportunity to connect with the expert after training during his special visits to companies for continued guidance and support. He identified gaps and bottlenecks related to the product labelling and packaging, and provided practical advice and recommendations on improving their product labelling and packaging according to the international market requirements.

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