A regional round table held with the participation of representatives of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, to discuss plans for cooperation and develop an agreed position on promoting food safety systems for agricultural products in Central Asia.
Due to the introduced safety measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the round table held online (remotely).
The participants of the round table discussed the formation of favourable institutional conditions necessary for the implementation of internationally recognized system of food safety standards for agricultural products “GlobalG.A.P.”, which covers the traceability of the full cycle of agricultural production, from the moment of purchase or production of seeds, other technical and technological resources until production moment of final products.
During the round table, an express analysis of the institutional conditions necessary for the implementation of the GlobalG.A.P. Standard in the countries of Central Asia presented and discussed. The analysis was prepared by the Public Organization “Union of Professional Consultants of Tajikistan”.
The round table attended by representatives of relevant state bodies (standardization bodies, ministries of agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan), international organizations and industry associations.
The round table organized by the consortium “CANDY V”, headed by the International Austrian organization Hilfswerk International within the framework of the project “Regional Integration and Capacity Building to Boost Agribusiness MSMEs Competitiveness and Trade Promotion in Central Asia”, funded by the European Union program “Central Asia – Invest V” and the Austrian Development Agency, and in cooperation with UNDP in Uzbekistan ‘Aid for Trade in Central Asia (Phase-III)’ Project.
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