Publisher Lonely Planet has published its annual ranking of the best places to travel Best in Travel and introduced Tajikistan.

According to Sputnik Tajikistan, the rating is divided into four categories – 10 countries, 10 regions, 10 cities and 10 most advantageous offers.

Each of the areas included in the rating was evaluated by experts on the basis of factors of the relevance of the place and the uniqueness of the impressions that it causes tourists, as well as on the so-called wow factor – the instant attractiveness of the place and its ability to cause surprise and interest in the first seconds.

In the category of regions, the first place in the ranking was occupied by part of the Great Silk Road, which passes through Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Lonely Planet experts believe that these areas are causing more and more interest among tourists.

Recall that recently Tajikistan also entered the rating of popular air routes for Russian tourists, and the Russian auto portal included the Pamir Highway in the top 5 of the most beautiful roads in the world.

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