NONPAZI is the craft of producing non/bread, main food of the Tajiks, which is cooked from wheat dough. In the Tajiks’ culture, different kinds of non/flatbreads are baked.

One can say that each traditional event, celebration has its own kind of flatbreads: noni khonagi, fatir, fatiri varaki, kulchai ravghani, fatiri bojazza, fatiri shirmol, loturma, chappoti, girdacha, kulchacha, noni obi, gijda, zaghora, and many others.
      Non is baked in special ovens – tanur/chakdon/degdon as well as in frying pans tafdon, toba. All kinds of non are usually cooked from wheat (seldom barley and corn) dough. The way of producing non is different. It depends on the variety of non, its assignment (for what event it is cooked) and place. Non has many sizes – from the smallest kulchacha to the largest sizes. However, a Tajik non always has a round form.


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