Caritas Germany builds inclusive resilient communities to cope with disasters in Ayni district

The Branch of the German Caritas Association in Tajikistan (Caritas Germany) officially launched its new one-year project titled ”Inclusive disaster preparedness by institutional strengthening...

Chinese entrepreneurs met with the chairman of the Sughd region

Opportunities for investing in the economy of the Sugd region and creating enterprises for the production of various goods, processing rocks were discussed by...

“Zerafshan Fruits – A path to Prosperity” Small holder farmers’ union for collective...

Early October, Oxfam GB in Tajikistan conducted an official inauguration of the first enterprise cluster in Panjakent under the brand name ‘Zerafshan Fruits’. The...

The new market “Korvon City” was opened in Buston

The new trade center “Korvon City” was opened in Buston, Sugd region. “Korvon City” trade center is situated in Khujand-Gafurov highway near the flea market...

Uzbekistan may take part in construction of Rogun HPP

The possibility of Uzbekistan's participation in the construction of the Rogun dam in Tajikistan is reflected in a joint statement by the presidents of...

Tajikistan textile stakeholders discuss implementation of full circle of processing cotton fiber to final...

Dushanbe hosted a round table on the “Processing of domestic cotton fiber into the final competitive export and import-substituting products, development of the spinning,...

In Guliston, are going to open a store for selling fresh fish

The town administration is ready to allocate land for the store and prepare the necessary documents. “We are ready to help any entrepreneur or resident...

Tajikistan Delegation Toured Tashkent for the Textile Trends (Photo)

Tajikistan delegation established direct contacts and expanded cooperation opportunities at the international exhibition for textile and fashion industries "UzTextile Expo Spring” held in Tashkent,...

In Khujand, youth has developed theirown Internet banking program

Tajik youth from Khujand presented their business ideas at the Startup School, which was organized by support of UNDP and the Russian Federation government. According...

In Sugd-2019 fair were signed 45 agreements

In a 6th International Trade Fair “Sugd-2019” in Khujand was signed up 45 agreements. As announces Sputnik, there was signed an agreement between Tajikistan and...