This year we are celebrating three decades of cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) with great pride and honor.

This partnership has grown over these extraordinary years into a beacon of development, collaboration, and understanding.

Since the start of the cooperation relationship between Tajikistan and JICA in 1993, we have witnessed the power of cooperation in nurturing development, fostering innovation, and uplifting communities. Through a shared commitment to sustainable growth, poverty reduction, and social advancement, this partnership has left an indelible mark on both nations.

The journey of the past 30 years has been marked by the improvement of several sectors such as Infrastructure, Water Supply, Energy, Small business promotion, Health, Social security, Agriculture, and Support of Government Civil Servants. The collaboration between Tajikistan and JICA has consistently demonstrated the potential of international cooperation in addressing pressing challenges.

Particularly, the total number of participants in JICA’s Knowledge Co-Creation Programs (Training Program), has exceeded 2550 people this year. It should be mentioned that JICA started technical cooperation with Tajikistan by inviting Tajik officials to gain knowledge and experience in governance and macroeconomics development 30 years ago.

Since the establishment of the JICA Tajikistan Office in 2006, various Grant Aid and Technical Cooperation projects have been implemented more dynamically, aiming at improving the living standard of Tajik people.

It is worth highlighting that as of today, JICA’s cumulative investment portfolio in Tajikistan in all sectors comprises 49 projects amounting to more than 427.44 million USD (97.2 million USD for Technical Cooperation and 330.2 million USD for Grant Aid; both are on grant base), including 12 ongoing projects.

As we reflect on this significant anniversary, we acknowledge the dedication of countless individuals who have worked tirelessly to strengthen the bonds between our two nations. Their efforts have not only advanced bilateral relations but have also contributed to the global goals of peace, prosperity, and sustainable development.

Looking forward, we are excited about the opportunities that the next phase of our partnership holds. With a shared vision for a brighter future, we are confident that the next 30 years will bring even greater achievements and closer ties.

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