In the village of Madm, Aini’s distric, Sogd region, in the house of artisan Munira Rakhmatulloeva, the first guest house Bibidzhon was opened, created with the support of the Zarafshon Tourism Development Association as part of the project “Entrepreneurship among women through the creation of small carpet-weaving centers and guest houses”.

The main type of the work of Munira Rakhmatulloeva is carpet weaving. She also sews leather bags with carpet inserts, creates rugs using the technique of felting wool and with hand embroidery. To attract more tourists and develop her craft, Munira decided to create a guest house, in which she created all the necessary conditions for tourists and foreign guests to stay. Also, along with the preparation of national food, she supplemented the menu of her house with vegetarian dishes. For a short period of time, several groups of tourists have already visited Munira’s guest house, among which were those who came to see and learn the art of carpet weaving…

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