More than 60 “Ahrorbobo”s and “Mirashurbobo”s farmworkers, who are women and live in mountain terrain of Ismoili Somoni jamaat, Devashtij region, north Tajikistan, were educated on planting and taking care after the fruit trees.

They received this knowledge from agronomists and the public organization “Saodat”s staff.

In demonstrative area forming with the help of agronomists specialist, in “Ahrorbobo”s farm were planted more than 4000 different type of fruit trees.  For protective purposes, the fruit trees, such as: apples, cherries, plums, apricots, crab cherries, walnut, sea-buckthorn, and dog rose were enclosed.

According to the “Saodat”s leader Manzura Sultonova, the aim of this project is giving an introduction and the method of biological agriculture in mountain area conditions with the help of Education Company in Field Farmer Schools (FFS).

“Farmers actively participate in educational events which hold by the specialists and our organization’s staff, – says Manzura Sultonova. They give better experience during the trainings taken in FFS. There they get education about the right way of planting and taking care after the trees and plants. After receiving this experience they are able to educate another people who work in this sphere and live in these areas.  This education will help them to protect the plants and trees from insects, to get an appropriate yield, and to provide environmental safety”.

It should be noted that the “Women for environmental safety” project, which started to realize its aim in early 2019, is develops in a minor grants programs of Global Environmental Fund, financing by international donor – UN Development Program.

                                                                                                 Tilav Rasulzode

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