At the last time of these days the citizens of northern Tajikistan are complaining about the NSB “Amonatbank’s” ATMs (automatic teller machines) as they are not working well.

As in todays conference announced the new hired director of NST Republic of Tajikistan “Amonatbank” Zarif Juraev, the low speed of internet is becoming the cause of interruption ATMs work and the excessive workload during the payment of pension and salary.

According to him, every month from first to fifth is drawing the payroll from budget and from 25th to 31st of each month passes the proses of pension payment for pensioners’.

“The ATMs are not working stably in this period because of low internet speed and heavy load”, – noted the director of bank.

We will mention that except Istiqlol town, till today were set up 60 NSB “Amonatbank’s” ATMs in Sugd’s towns and regions.

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