SNSC: In advance of meeting of the two neighbor countries’ heads some interested Kirghiz...

According to the press service of SNSC republic of Tajikistan’s frontier troops, on 22 July 2019 year the citizens of Vorukh jamaat, Isfara region...

Presentation of the book “Ashkkhoi zeri boron” (“Tears in the rain”) by Holiknazar Dzhumaev

The book "Ashkkhoi zeri boron" ("Tears in the rain") is devoted to the topic of labor migration of tajik citizens to the Russian Federation...

Kyrgyz Republic/Tajikistan: Statement by the Spokesperson on the clashes at the border

Over the past days, there has been a serious escalation of tensions at the border between the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, resulting in numerous casualties. The...

About 3 million Tajiks use the Internet

As of October 1, 2019, the number of Internet users in Tajikistan amounted to 2 million 984.5 thousand subscribers, and mobile users - 6...

National Bank of Tajikistan Joins the Sustainable Banking and Finance Network

The National Bank of Tajikistan (NBT) has taken a significant step towards promoting sustainable finance by joining the Sustainable Banking and Finance Network (SBFN),...

Nigina Sayfullaeva won the GQ Super Women Award

The director of the film “Vernost” Nigina Sayfullaeva won the GQ Super Women award in the “Cinema” nomination. The prize was awarded for the courage...
On the border of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will open a new border post

On the border of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will open a new border post

In the near future, a new checkpoint will be opened on the Tajik-Uzbek border, Tajikistan Sputnik reports. According to the publication, the construction of a...

16400 citizens returned to Tajikistan from abroad

During the period of the pandemic, 16,400 citizens were returned to Tajikistan from foreign countries. These people could not return to their countries as...

ITC launches two new Garment Training Centres in Khatlon province

Fashion and clothing design students in Kulob city and the Danghara district of Khatlon province will start the new academic season with two new...

Sogd: The first amnestied group was released

In Sughd region, the first group of convicts, prisoners, accused and suspects were released on October 29, 2019. As the correspondent of IA SN from...