Six dried fruits processors from Isfara, leading players in the Central Asian dried fruits industry, will participate in the prestigious SIAL exhibition to be held in Paris on 19-23 October 2024. Barakat Isfara, Fruits Valley, Isfara Food, Visol, Mevai Zarrin, and Oro Isfara join over 7,500 exhibitors from all around the globe at this leading food and beverage trade fair to present their latest products to thousands of visitors.

The Tajikistan delegation also consists of representatives of seven more fruits processing companies from Tajikistan, and local sectoral associations – the International Association of Processors and Exporters of Tajikistan and Khatlon Business Association as visitors.

Participation at this fair is made possible thanks to the Government of Switzerland through the International Trade Centre (ITC)’s Trade Promotion East: Balkan States and Central Asia Programme in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tajikistan.  The event will provide an excellent platform for the Tajik dried fruits processors to promote their products and capacity, discuss potential business collaborations, and explore emerging market trends on a global scale.

Saidmumin Kamolov, ITC National Project Manager says: “The participation at this fair underlines ITC commitment to expand reach of Tajik dried fruits beyond the country’s borders. By showcasing the diverse range of high-quality products at this global platform, the companies aim to attract potential international partners, distributors, and buyers, while fostering trade collaborations that will benefit Tajikistan”.

Organized every two years, the SIAL Paris is renowned as one of the largest trade shows in the food and beverages industry. Celebrating its anniversary 60th edition, the fair brings together exhibitors, leading industry experts, and buyers to exchange ideas, foster connections, and forge strategic partnerships shaping the future of the industry.

Keen on promoting Tajikistan’s tasty dried fruits, the Tajik stand will offer authentic flavours to visitors, thus unveiling new business opportunities.

Commercial Director of LLC Fruits Valley Ortuqov Lutfullo: “The fair is an ideal event for companies from Tajikistan to meet leading food producers, empower our brands in the foreign markets, establish new contacts, get acquainted with trends, demands and expectations of the market, as well as to explore new products and innovations”.

At the fair, Tajik companies will also participate in insightful panel discussions, seminars, and business forums, engaging in fruitful conversations around the latest trends and developments in the industry. Through these interactions, they will gain valuable insights into market demands and emerging consumer preferences, enabling them to remain competitive and explore new avenues for growth.

With their participation at this fair, Tajik companies will not only capitalize on the opportunity to expand their export opportunities but also welcome visitors to explore Tajikistan’s unique dried fruits flavors and extensive range of dried fruits products. The event will serve as a stepping stone for these companies to strengthen their bond with the global food industry and establish themselves as significant players in the international market.

ITC believes that participation in international trade fairs provides good opportunities for project beneficiary companies to be competitive in regional markets through the establishment of new business contacts, obtaining new information on the sector developments, and learning more about the global and regional market requirements. Such trade missions are also important for the export diversification.

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