The International Trade Centre (ITC) will provide intensive training courses on improving sewing performance for 34 professionals from Tajik clothing companies and universities.

The course will be held from 22 to 27 February 2021 in Dushanbe and from 01 to 06 March 2021 in Khujand. Under ITC’s GTEX Tajikistan team’s supervision, the experts from Skilift Consulting, an Indian management-consulting firm, will deliver the sessions for the two groups.

The training courses aim to cover the latest trends in sewing techniques for the clothing sector. Participants will learn to improve their skill and sewing process and reorganise the production to achieve the best results, among other activities proposed. Besides the theory, the group will also have practical exercises on team management and training methodology for future operators.

Nanthakumar Kandasamy, the expert from Skilift Consulting, explains that the knowledge acquired in these sessions will help participants replicate their experience with other employees. “Our goal is to share the know-how that can beneficiate several Tajik clothing companies. By expanding the reach of these lessons, we expect enterprises to improve by more than 20% of their productivity” says Kandasamy.

In addition to the courses, the experts from Skilift Consulting during March 8-12 2021 will visit selected companies in Dushanbe, Khatlon and Sughd. For Kandasamy, “a significant part of the training focuses on practical activities. During the visits, we will analyse the companies’ sewing process, meet with the trained trainers, provide inputs on management as well as assist them in measuring the improvements in their production”.

To prepare for the coming months, Tajik companies will develop a 3-month action plan to implement the training methodology.

About the GTEX Programme

The International Trade Centre’s Global Textiles and Clothing Programme (GTEX) is a four-year programme funded by the Government of Switzerland. The GTEX programme provides support to Textile and Clothing (T&C) companies in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) and the Middle East and North Africa (Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia). The programme’s goal is to promote T&C exports and to stimulate employment and income generation along the value chain.

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