A new fully equipped Center of the State Institution “Formation and development of entrepreneurship of Tajikistan” (SI FDE) was opened today in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

The newly established Center of SI FDE now is fully functional to assist the new entrepreneurs and small and medium business owners through a range of support services by creating affordable business environment and providing consulting services to accelerate development in fields as production and innovation, science and technology, agriculture and food, construction, transport, communication, banking, accounting, auditing, insurance, education and health.

“We believe that this newly established Center of the State Institution “Formation and development of entrepreneurship of Tajikistan” can play catalytical role in grooming the next generation to think out of the box, instill the spirit of innovation, critical thinking and risk-taking ability which can fuel sustainable economic growth and accelerate post-COVID-19 recovery,” Dr. Pratibha Mehta, UNDP Resident Representative in Tajikistan says.

UNDP has contributed more than $200,000 to establish the SI FDE and its Centers in regions through helping the government in institutionalizing the governmental services, drafting the charter of the institute, rehabilitating and equipping office spaces, and capacity building for staff members. The organization will continue its support to increase the institutional capacity of SI FDE in promoting entrepreneurship development in the country.

Chairman of the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management Mr. Farrukh Khamralizoda, JICA Chief Representative Mr. Tanabe Hideki, UNDP Resident Representative Dr. Pratibha Mehta, and other stakeholders attended the opening ceremony.

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