Only 15 percent of preschool children in Sugd region are covered by upbringing and training in kindergartens.

Within seven years, construction of 280 preschool institutions is planned in Sugd region. During this period, the number of such institutions increased by 73 kindergartens.

“Today, there are 273 preschool institutions in the region, in which 44,567 children are covered by training and education, which is 1.6 times more. But, the coverage of preschool children is only 15 percent” said the head of the Education Department of Sughd region, Osim Karimzoda, during the August meeting with education workers. According to him, this indicator is the lowest at the republican level.

“The lowest rates of coverage of children with preschool education were recorded in Mastchoh district – 3%, in Aini district – 4.1%, in Istaravshan – 4.9%, and in Shahristan district – 5.3 percent. In addition to coverage, there is not a single private preschool institution in Istiklol, Aini, Gornomastchoh and Shakhristan districts” said Osim Karimzoda.

It should be noted that according to President order, from 2020 to 2030, in each settlement of towns and regions where live more than 100 families, it is necessary to build one kindergarten. But, until today, the Buston, Istiklol, Istaravshan, Gornomastchoh, Aini, Mastchoh, Spitamen, Shakhristan, J. Rasulovs and Zafarabad districts have not provided the regional leadership with their plans for the construction of kindergarten”, concluded the head of the Sogdian Education Department.

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