Today, on 25th June 2019 with the participation of US embassy representatives in Tajikistan took a place the opening ceremony of historical architectural building Madrasah Oim in Kanibadam town.

According to local expert, Gulsara Kamolzoda, in the past year this madrasah was an only educational center for women in Central Asia.

“After the October revolution madrasah was changed to prison for teenagers. About this give an evidence spiny wires and high walls. Over the independence years was an attempt for restoration. Then was collected money from people for hashar. However, these founds were not enough. Then the local NPO applied to AFCP program. Today this building is putting on restoration with the support of US embassy in Tajikistan. Now the trip map for historical tourism became wider”,-noted G. Kamolzoda.

AFCP program founded by US Congress in 2001 year is directed to conservation of cultural monuments, cultural buildings, and traditional form of cultural expressions in developed countries all over the globe. Cultural heritage lasts through years as a reminding of holding and historical experience of human being. From the time of creation according to the AFCP program, was given support for more than 900 projects due to preservation of historical heritage in more than 200 countries.

From 2001 AFCP program financed 17 projects in Tajikistan in average of 619 658 dollars.

In 2017 after the restoration of Madrasah Oim in Kanibadam was opened the first school for Tajik women. The cost of the project contained 77 159, 00 dollars. Madrasah Oim was the first educational center in Tajikistan and the second one in Central Asia where studied women and girls.

According to historians, madrasah was built in 1824-1825 years and in the first years there studied more than 200 pupils. In 1891 by the order of governor-general, Fergan Nilifkin, Kamilkhuja was hired a teacher in this madrasah. Madrasah Oim is a unique historical building and as a national culture monument was registered in catalogue of historical architectural building, which protects by the government.

2013 year- Preservation and Protection of Unique Architecture’s Complex of 17th century-Madrasah Mirrajab Dodkho (Historical Museum of Kanibadam town)/ The amount of the project was 79 591, 00 dollar. The aim of the project was to prevent the building from falling the roof in consequently of precipitation. The work was done according to the plan in the oldest building-Madrasah Mirrajab Dodkho (Historical museum of Kanibadam town). Kanibadam is situated in Sugd region, north Tajikistan, between the old towns Velikogo Shyolkovo- Tajik Khujand and Uzbek Kokand. Khujand is the second biggest town in Tajikistan and it is administrative center of Sugd region.

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