In the territory of “Ahrorbobo” household, Ismoili Somoni jamaat, Devashtij region were organized hands-on trainings for local famers about preparing natural drug for treating trees. These trainings were passed by the professional trainers on organic industry in this mountain area.

The trainings modules were organized with the suggestion and the wishes of local farmers.

Training was initiated with the workers of social organization “Saodat”.  This information was announced by the project coordinator “Women for environmental safety”, Malohat Uldoshova.

According to her, those trees which were planted at the beginning of the year in demonstrated area, are gaining the garden form and gradually are becoming fruit trees making the view of mountain area better.

For preventing insects’ Infestation, in practice agrarian specialists demonstrated the method of preparing natural drugs such as: calcareous sulfuric liquor (CSL) and Bordeaux mixture (BM).

More than 400 members of “Ahrorbobo” and “Mirashurbobo” farms participated in the training with the great pleasure. They received the knowledge on preparation and using the drug with new technology.

-These two types of drugs are more available for local farmers-says Malohat Uldasheva.  They are green products, they do not affect badly environment and save the humidity of the land. This is important factor as the horticultural plantations are situated in the mountain’s area where the water source is not available.

It is necessary to mention, that these hands-on trainings of agrarian trainers were organized within the scope of “Women for environmental safety” project realizing by “Saodat” organization at the beginning of the year. This project was planed within the scope of minor grant program GEF (Global Environmental Fund) and finances by international donors of UNDP (United Nations Development Programme).

Tilav Rasulov

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