International trainers will show Sogdian specialists the methods of preparing documentation and providing cultural and historical monuments of Sugd region in UNESCO list.

On 1st October of the current year, was started a training on the protection and promotion of historical and cultural monuments located on the interval of the Ferghana-Syr Darya of the Great Silk Road in Khujand town, Sugd region. It is attended by historians, cultural scientists, responsible representatives of local executive authorities of cities and districts of Sughd region.

As announces the press center of the Culture Ministry of Tajikistan, international experts will familiarize with the training participants, the methods of preparing documentation and providing cultural and historical monuments of Sugd region in UNESCO list.

According to the source, now the work is underway in Sogd region regarding cultural and historical monuments in two directions of the Great Silk Road: Zarafshan (Penjikent – Poikent) and Ferghana – Syr Darya.

“This event, which was organized by the UNESCO Regional Office and the European Union, will continue until 1st October,” the source concludes.

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