At the left part of Sirdarya, which is situated in Khujand, was opened another complex for relaxation and entertainment.

As announces the press service of town administration, this new complex was opened in a short period on 300 meter territory. There are new beach, the ground for playing football, tennis court, car park, special place for selling soft drinks and ice-cream, simulators, and other necessary infrastructures. Here, can do sport more than 100 people and as well relax 1000 people simultaneously.

In the opening ceremony of new complex presented the region’s chairmen, Rajabboy Ahmadzoda. He expressed his gratitude to the builders of the complex and for security and cleanness took the relevant measures.

“This place is providing good opportunities for entertainment and in the future it will have cardiologic clinic as well. I hope that the left bank of the river will become a rest area”,-emphasized the head of the region.

“Moreover, there was given a charge on taking measures up to the beach preparation according to the modern standard, and to organize observant center for citizens’ safety” ,-poins the source.

We will remind that last year was renovated the main urban beach which situated in the right part of Sirdarya.

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